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Category: Image

Squiggle Manual
Squiggle Manual

We are pleased to release our new manual. We also include a user manual in your package to help with the preperation and use of your Squiggle bike.

New Colour
New Colour

Squiggle Yellow

We are proud to release the newest colour to our range. Squiggle Yellow. The new Squiggle is bright, but not enough so to make it look tacky. We use our standard powder-coating procedure which gives our yellow bike a softer finish yet still bright enough for your Squiggle rider to show up to his or her friends. Check in store for our colour ranges to see what suits your rider.

Production Videos
Production Videos

Take a look through our production facility with Matt..

There is effort…. There’s alot of effort! But rest assured the effort our team put into building the Squiggle will be appreciated by your little Squiggle rider once they start enjoying our great product. In this video you are take right through the process from frame stage to packing into our Squiggle boxes. We hope you enjoy watching the time and effort we place in providing you with the best product available.